Styled Shoot

Photography Farm Part One - Better Late Than Never

Well, its been a busy past couple of months for me... Summer kicked in and suddenly time disappeared. It's now T-2 weeks until our wedding. OUR WEDDING. It's crazy. I've lost count of the number of times that I've seen brides write "Oh the time before just flies..." Well guys, looks like I really underestimated that one!!

About a month and a half ago now my friend Lydia Stamps (and our wonderful photographer for said Big Day) posted something on my facebook wall. There was a chance to win a spot at the Photography Farm being held in July, all I needed to do was come up with a reason for wanting to become a 'farmer' and post it as a comment on the thread. I'm not going to lie, I spotted this on my lunch break and the excitement of just a chance to win was almost too much.

You see it's a big goal of mine that once everything settles down time-wise again, I was planning on saving up my pennies and heading to some workshops to learn, meet some new people and give my business a kick start with some much needed advise from someone who's been doing it all a lot longer. A workshop I had been keeping my beady little eye on was Photography Farm, run by the incredible Lisa Devlin.

With eager fingers I typed my response, about being a city girl envying all those country folk with their wellies, rolling green spaces and wild flowers. My imagination was running away and I had two minutes left to get to work, so just went with it and posted the comment - hoping... just *hoping*.
A few hours later I finished work, casually checked my phone whilst waiting for the train - OH - what's this, people have replied to my comment...... I had a look......... OHHHH NO. I had made a typo, and instead of typing wellies, as my naughty phone should have, it had replaced the word with willies!! (I can't possibly think why...) Thankfully it turns out that the Farmers are a good humoured bunch who found this hilarious. (Thank goodness) and with a few jokes on my part, I think I smoothed the situation out.  The wait for winners to be announced (just 4 days later) was agony, and come Friday morning I felt like I'd been on a rollercoaster of emotions - 10am rolled around and I was there, with baited breath.
I have honestly never felt so much joy at seeing that tiny little red flag for a notification.  Willies had won it - but at the price of now carrying the nickname of Willies Girl. Alas, I can think of worse things...And so began my amazing journey with The Farm.

These are some of my photos from the styled shoot that was just *delicious*. The weather was warm and balmy, the couple were little stunners (not to mention they had the patience of saints), the styling and make-up and the jewellery AND THE DRESS- arrrggghhhh- b e a u t i f u l. I'll let you take a look - so this is just Part One - there'll be more about my adventure and the amazing teaching from Lisa Devlin and Photography branding expert Melissa Love * at the Farm in another post - there's just too darn much to fit in to one. Be sure to take a peak at all the fantastic contributors, who made the shoot just so tasty -  you'll find links for them at the end :)

Thank you Lisa Devlin (and all the Farmers who voted me in) I could never have dreamt of going to the Farm for a good long time what with all my penny saving going towards my wedding (did I mention - in two weeks ;) ....)

Styling and flowers:
Hair and make-up:
Paper Decoration:

To find out more about Photography Farm please click here -->

*Melissa - Blog changes a'comin' I promise you...